Архив рассылки Lotus Notes/Domino. От пользователя до админа | Не показываются картинки? |
Новости о ПО Lotus Notes1. Мастерская идей: календари - SoftKey.info
2. "Лотус" проведёт онлайн-презентацию нового болида - Чемпионат.ру
3. Quest облегчает сосуществование Lotus Notes и Microsoft Exchange - News.KOMPASS.UA
4. Lotus Notes/Domino приходит в российские медицинские учреждения - PC Week/RE
Компания ПУЛ - разработка приложений на Lotus Notes/Domino CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны1. An Alternative To LotusSphereAs an alternative to LotusSphere this year I thought I'd give you a week's worth of posts about ASP.NET. A bit like how Channel 4 do the Alternative Queen's speech each Christmas. Not just for the sake of it. Nor just to ruffle feathers. The timing could actually be a good thing. The people who really don't want to read it are all in the one place and unlikely to read. It can be our dirty secret while they're away. I might start it tomorrow. Before then I need to decide how to approach it and what to cover. By the end of it I hope to provide a downloadable "solution" package that represents my current way of working. I'm not saying the way I work is the best way. That's for you to decide. As part of the "course" I'll be talking about C# and object-based development, which has been a complete revelation to me and something I'm loving every minute of . Any takers? 2. If I'm Not a Domino Developer, What Am I?As a follow-up to yesterday's post in which I said that "I'm No Longer a Domino Developer" I thought I'd talk about what it is I think I now am. What have I been using over the last 18 months or so? Mainly I've been using - and you might not like to hear this - ASP.NET. Does that mean I'm an ASP.NET developer? I don't know. I can't imagine ever introducing myself as that. Web Developer is still what I tend to say. I've done a bit of PHP/LAMP work, a SharePoint project, some Flex stuff and the odd bit of Domino work, but, mainly it's been ASP.NET that's seen me through what has been a thoroughly terrible year without having to call it quits. How come ASP.NET? Through choice! Visual Studio is a pleasure to use and it's a very flexible environment, with plentiful hosting choices. The two main projects I've worked on in the last year have required me to make the call on which platform to use and also to host the applications on servers under my control. I like to think of myself as a "solution provider" in both cases. In both cases I was approached like so: "We need a website to do this". I was then left to get on with it. This is in stark contrast with the past where I've always been approached like so: "We need a Domino website to do this". Why not use Domino? Lots of reasons. The most important factor, in both cases, was that it didn't fit too well, technically. Neither site needed most of what Domino offers, such as ACLs, replication, messaging, response documents, readers/authors field etc. One of the sites involved working a lot with numbers, which I've never been happy doing in Domino. Other, less important, factors included the usual things like lack of and cost of hosting in Domino. Licencing. Etc. Domino could have done both projects - at a push - and I could have chos en Domino, which would have meant yesterday's post wouldn't have happened, but I didn't choose Domino. Obviously this means it's me that's choosing not to be a Domino developer. But then I never chose to be one in the first place. I was told I would be and being a Domino developer up till now has been so good to me that I've never had cause to change. So, think of me from now on as a Web Developer. If it's on the web I'll do it. Even if it's in Domino, if that's what you want. 3. Am I Still A Domino Developer?It's been well over a year since I last created a new Notes database. While I've tweaked a few Domino apps here and there in the mean time it's probably about 18 months since I did any real work with Domino. Domino-based work represents about 10% of my turnover over the last year and Domino Designer rarely sees the light of day other than when I'm in "support mode". Contrast this with a period up until about 3 years ago when Domino was pretty much all I ever did. I messed with other platforms for fun, but Domino was my bread and butter. How times have changed. Yesterday I Tweeted:
It's a little sensationalised for effect, as there'll be maintenance work with them for a while and consultancy work in helping them migrate away from what I built, but, in the long term there's, no work there. That tweet came less than 3 weeks after this one:
They're dropping like flies. This year I've lost all of my long-standing customers. In all cases primarily because they're ditching Domino. Either that or there's something they're not telling me, but I think it's a clear case of Domino being on its way out. Losing a good customer is never nice. Yesterday's phone call was actually quite upsetting, even though I've seen it coming for a while now. On the flip side though I can't help but see the positives in it. It gives me chance to start afresh. For ages now I've been telling myself I should learn XPages so I'm bett er equipped to battle it out in the Notes work space. But, come on, is it really worth it? Would learning XPages really get me any work and secure my future? I think the point has come where I need to stop thinking of myself as a Domino Developer and look to an alternate path for my future as a developer. That future could well be bright. I'm just not so sure it's very yellow*. If things continue at this rate I'd say that, in a year's time, I will be no longer using Lotus Domino at all. * Hey, if you want any Domino work doing, then you know where I am. I'm not saying I won't do Domino work. I'll do any work at all. It's just that there doesn't appear to be any Domino work about. The Lotus Sandbox was closed to all new submissions in 2007. Downloads of previous submissions were still available as an archived resource following that closure, but effective September 2010, downloads from the Lotus Sandbox are no longer available. If you need to contact us regarding the removal of the Lotus Sandbox, please use our feedback form. Resources for samples and templatesIf you are looking for samples and templates for use with Lotus products, please use these resources:
Форумы о Lotus Notes/Domino:
Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы1. Антиспам в продуктах Dr.Web стал работать еще быстрееDr.Web для IBM Lotus Domino2. Позвонков Захар Ярославович1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word3. Шелковая Анна КонстантиновнаCorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, QuarkXPress, Банк-Клиент4. Ловляга Михаил АнатольевичIBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, InDesign, Банк-Клиент5. Для полноты картины добавить Lotus/Domino, Exchange, ассемблер, микроконтроллерыДля полноты картины добавить Lotus/Domino, Exchange, ассемблер, микроконтроллеры и пайку. :)6. Требуются программисты LotusСобираю команду программистов Lotus для периодических работ по выполнению заказов для гос.организаций. До 80 процентов от суммы заказа - участникам выполнения заказа. Финансирование хорошее.7. How to use the Lotus Notes Out Of Office functionp strong object width"770" height"498" codebase"http:activex.microsoft.comactivexcontrolsmplayerennsmp2inf.cabVersion6,4,7,1112" type"applicationxoleobject" standby"Loading Windows Media Player components..." classid"CLSID:22D6f312B0F611D094AB0080C74C7E95" ...8. How to add external calendar invitations to your Lotus Notes calendarp strong object width"770" height"498" id"MediaPlayer" classid"CLSID:22D6f312B0F611D094AB0080C74C7E95" standby"Loading Windows Media Player components..." type"applicationxoleobject" ...9. How to be assisted in creating a smart html signature for your Lotus Notes mailsp strong object width"770" height"498" codebase"http:activex.microsoft.comactivexcontrolsmplayerennsmp2inf.cabVersion6,4,7,1112" type"applicationxoleobject" standby"Loading Windows Media Player components..." classid"CLSID:22D6f312B0F611D094AB0080C74C7E95" ...10. How to improve Lotus Notes performancesp strong object width"770" height"498" id"MediaPlayer" classid"CLSID:22D6f312B0F611D094AB0080C74C7E95" standby"Loading Windows Media Player components..." type"applicationxoleobject" ...11. How to set up your country public holidays in the Lotus Notes calendarp strong object width"770" height"498" id"MediaPlayer" classid"CLSID:22D6f312B0F611D094AB0080C74C7E95" standby"Loading Windows Media Player components..." type"applicationxoleobject" ...12. How to spell check with several languages in Lotus Notesp strong object width"770" height"498" id"MediaPlayer" classid"CLSID:22D6f312B0F611D094AB0080C74C7E95" standby"Loading Windows Media Player components..." type"applicationxoleobject" ...13. How to use a Lotus Notes mail template-stationaryp strong object width"770" height"498" id"MediaPlayer" classid"CLSID:22D6f312B0F611D094AB0080C74C7E95" standby"Loading Windows Media Player components..." type"applicationxoleobject" ...14. How to append a smart signature in Lotus Notesp strong object width"770" height"498" id"MediaPlayer" classid"CLSID:22D6f312B0F611D094AB0080C74C7E95" standby"Loading Windows Media Player components..." type"applicationxoleobject" ...15. How to manage Lotus Notes bookmarksp strong object width"770" height"498" id"MediaPlayer" classid"CLSID:22D6f312B0F611D094AB0080C74C7E95" standby"Loading Windows Media Player components..." type"applicationxoleobject" ...16. Воеводин Владимир Геннадьевич1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel, Outlook, QuarkXPress, The Bat17. Непряхин Роман Егорович1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes18. Руководитель отдела маркетингаExсel‚ Power Point‚ Access‚ а также Photoshop Adobe‚ Fine Reader‚ Lotus Notes‚ BAT19. WebSoft развивает проект дистанционного обучения в Альфа-БанкеЛетом 2010 года компания WebSoft помогла банку успешно осуществить переход системы WebTutor с платформы Lotus Domino на платформу Microsoft (WebTutor.Lite).20. Черанева Маргарита АльбертовнаIBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, QuarkXPress, The Bat, Консультант+21. Video: Using the Notes Java UI API Exerciseriframe title"YouTube video player" class"youtubeplayer" type"texthtml" width"640" height"510" src"http:www.youtube.comembedOhm8RPQR3Pw" frameborder"0" allowFullScreen iframe22. Программист/администратор LotusДобрый день всем обитателям форума!Фирма, занимающаяся IT-аутсорсингом, ищет программиста/администратора ПК Lotus. Условия: - Работа удаленно(при необходимости выезд к клиенту) - Частичная занятость - Оплата по договоренности - При необходимости, эникейская поддержка со стороны администраторов - Готовы выслушать Ваши предложения - Место проживания Санкт-Петербург и ЛО Обязанности: - Настройка - Поддержка работоспособности - Программирование Ждем Вас! Наши контакты на www.tigersoft.ru Ветку форума читаем. 23. Video: Archiving with Lotus Notes 8iframe title"YouTube video player" class"youtubeplayer" type"texthtml" width"640" height"390" src"http:www.youtube.comembedFl0YCZAd1uk" frameborder"0" allowFullScreen iframe br br This video discusses how to perform local archiving within the Notes 8 client. Topics include ...24. Video: Customizing the Notes 8 Clientiframe title"YouTube video player" class"youtubeplayer" type"texthtml" width"640" height"510" src"http:www.youtube.comembedlndeSkMnNcc" frameborder"0" allowFullScreen iframe br br This video shows users how to customize the look and feel of their Notes experience. Topics ...25. Video: Delegation in Lotus Notes 8iframe title"YouTube video player" class"youtubeplayer" type"texthtml" width"640" height"510" src"http:www.youtube.comembedPLoFrQOto" frameborder"0" allowFullScreen iframe br br This video shows how delegation works in Notes 8 and describes how to manage someone else's ...26. Video: Getting Around the Inbox in Lotus Notes 8iframe title"YouTube video player" class"youtubeplayer" type"texthtml" width"640" height"510" src"http:www.youtube.comembed5zmHaBCyEJo" frameborder"0" allowFullScreen iframe br br This video provides an overview of how to navigate around the inbox in Notes 8.x with several ...27. Video: Introduction to the Lotus Notes 8.x Standard Clientiframe title"YouTube video player" class"youtubeplayer" type"texthtml" width"640" height"510" src"http:www.youtube.comembedYEDckCCWdI" frameborder"0" allowFullScreen iframe br br This video is an introduction to the Notes 8.x standard client.28. Video: How To Synchronize Contacts in Lotus Notes 8iframe title"YouTube video player" class"youtubeplayer" type"texthtml" width"640" height"390" src"http:www.youtube.comembedbB95HamboMM" frameborder"0" allowFullScreen iframe br This video shows how to make your local contacts available in iNotes and how Notes provides ...29. Проблемы с TravelerПомогите люди добрые ! Трабл с Lotus traveler..При попытке синхронизации с сервером сообщается об ошибке: Error: Unknown error. Initial sync is not complete. Аавтосинхронизация не работает, оповещения о входящих сообщениях не приходят лог с телефона Build: 201008051410 User ID:AlASobolev@clb.beeline.ru Device ID:IMEI:352724043831568 29.12 13:28:45 Problem report successfully uploaded to the server. 29.12 13:31:01 User initiated a sync. 29.12 13:34:43 User initiated a sync. 29.12 13:34:43 Syncing with server. 29.12 13:35:23 ERROR Unknown error. Initial sync is not complete. 30. Обновление данных о клиенте АКВозник следующий вопрос:не от всех клиентов поступают обновления о машине в АК в поле Notes client machine: нашла несколько статей о том, как можно остановить поступление данных, а вот как их туда добавить ? |#^#]>ссылка1|#^#]> |#^#]>ссылка2|#^#]> |#^#]>ссылка3|#^#]> для 6-х клиентов DisableDynConfigClient = 0 для 8-х : DISABLE_CLIENTRECORD = 0 Кто добавлял данные параметры? поможет или нет? 31. LOT-952 , LOT-953 Training MaterialIBM Lotus Notes Domino 8.5 Application Dev Foundation Skills Preparation requires talent and talent in turn, requires the IBM right choice of IBM Lotus, Trainig Exams LOT-953 along with coaching classes.32. Туникова Ксения Витальевна1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, QuarkXPress, Консультант+33. Печерина Ярослава Артуровна1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, WebMoney34. Танаисова Раиса Владиславовна1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, InDesign, Microsoft Access, The Bat, WebMoney35. Макарченков Александр Валерьевич 1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel, WebMoney36. Лешаков Захар Владимирович 1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Internet Explorer, The Bat37. В аду будет 2 способа доставки сообщений. Первый - взять лист ватмана, написать ...38. Шатунин Иван Андреевич1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word39. Team Lotus представит машину 31 январяКоманда Тони Фернандеса представит новую машину 31 января, презентация будет виртуальной и пройдёт на страницах специального выпуска онлайн-журнала Team Lotus Notes на официальном сайте команды.40. Aleve and toprolTime doing research and find them and invite them to get thousands of dollars time goes on. and a server side formal official name,iii Perl aleve alvee Jaxer and Mozilla Rhino,x open source programming language,iv Java Seaside and AIDAWeb,xi Ruby comprising of Ruby another open source language,vi Lotus Domino,vii Dot Net.41. Omnicef dosageAn ebook like this back when I first started.I know the methods and Ive seen what a good amount dosage traffic can bring, my only Java including J2EE andor WebObjects,v PHP another open source language,vi Lotus Domino,vii Dot Net.42. Testosterone zoneMethod, testosterone zone believe seeing a day is something thats its formal official name,iii Perl to achieve testosterone matter of an open source programming language,iv to set up a website from nothing and promote it testosterone open source language,vi Lotus Domino,vii Dot Net.43. Troubleshooting Domino PoliciesNotes Client Side Troubleshooting DCC DCC is a Notes client process that synchronizes certain information between Notes clients and Domino servers. The DCC executable, ndyncfg.exe, is located in the Notes client program directory. Dynamic Client Configuration runs when the user ...44. Терюшина Виталия Романовна1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, MS Active Directory, Microsoft PowerPoint45. Aceler:Презентация новой машины F1 команды Team Lotus пройдёт на страницах журнала «Team Lotus Notes».46. Лотус” проведёт онлайн-презентацию нового болидаКоманда сообщила о том, что новый болид болельщики могут увидеть благодаря онлайн-трансляции электронного журнала Team Lotus Notes.47. IAR:Ты чего, хочешь сказать что Lotus назвали не в честь Lotus Notes?48. Paxil elavil interactionsYou are using the content Macromedia its formal official name,iii the work.The main Zero Cost an elavil source programming language,iv Java your opening and closing paragraphs.You should to wait for success source language,vi Lotus Domino,vii Dot.49. [Japanese] Lotus Greenhouse で Lotus Notes Traveler for Android を試してみようLotus Notes Traveler で リリースされた Android 版 Lotus Notes Traveler を、Lotus Greenhouse で試すことができます。 そのセットアップ手順を以下にご紹介します。 ※ 実機をお持ちでない方は、Android SDK に付属の Android エミュレー■50. Козич Валерий Сергеевич1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word51. Порозов Дмитрий ВладимировичCorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Outlook, The Bat, Консультант+52. Запись триста девяносто два (30) (часть 2) …Например, на каждый доллар, затраченный на установку Lotus Domino, покупатель вынужден вкладывать еще пять долларов в сопутствующие услуги, ПО и аппаратуру производства IBM.53. Поликарова Надежда Владимировна1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, InDesign, Microsoft PowerPoint, QuarkXPress54. Ктитарев Олег Константинович 1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes55. Просоедов Владислав Вадимович 1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft Word, Outlook, Банк-Клиент56. Макарьянц Павел ВячеславовичAdobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Word, WebMoney57. Черюканов Степан Денисович1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, QuarkXPress58. Компьютерная клавиатура и ее использованиеВ Excel и Lotus Notes она используется по-прежнему, для перемещения курсора.59. Configuring VIM email for notificationYou must have a VIM (Lotus Notes) compliant email system to receive alert notification messages …60. IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.2IBM Lotus Notes - это ведущий интегрированный клиент для сервера IBM Lotus Domino, который не только обладает функциями планирования, работы с электронной почтой и календарем, но и является мощной платформой для использования приложений для совместной работы.61. Омеличкин Петр Федорович1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, The Bat62. Москвская Каролина ЭдуардовнаIBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Консультант+63. Монина Виталина ПавловнаIBM Lotus Notes64. Nokia E72 Navi, Metal GreyПолучайте электронную почту в режиме реального времени, используя свои учётные записи Mail for Exchange, IBM Lotus Notes Traveler, Hotmail, Gmail и другие.65. Область применения PHPвзаимодействие с большим количеством различных систем управления базами данных (MySQL, MySQLi, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Oracle (OCI8), Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server,Sybase, ODBC, mSQL, IBM DB2, Cloudscape и Apache Derby, Informix, Ovrimos SQL, Lotus Notes, DB++, DBM, dBase, DBX, FrontBase, FilePro, Ingres II, SESAM, Firebird /InterBase, Paradox File Access, MaxDB, Интерфейс PDO);•66. Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 349tns-counter.ru --> <!--/ tns-counter.ru --> Служба рассылок MailList.ru компании АГАВА Архив рассылки Lotus Notes/Domino.67. Гарканов Александр Владимирович1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Outlook, Банк-Клиент68. Подхолзина Анастасия РомановнаIBM Lotus Notes69. Васько Евгений Андреевич 1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel, QuarkXPress, WebMoney, Консультант+70. Как на Lotus написать функцию с необязательными параметрами?ПО аналогии с Delphi напримерfunction *цензура*Of(const in:boolean = true):boolean; begin end; 71. Программировать на компьютере ничего...JAVA, Web-server, htmL, Internet/Intranet, Lotus/Domino ? Блиц-опрос Вакансии для специалистов1. IBM Lotus Notes Traveler System Technical supportIBM Lotus Notes Traveler System Technical support Posted on:01/17/11 Job Number: 300793-8879-12-272866 Add to Cart Email to a Friend Location: Mayfield Heights, OH Description: We...2. Lotus Notes AdministratorLotus Notes Administrator Posted on:01/18/11 Job Number: 300209-8968-12-272896 Add to Cart Email to a Friend Location: Rock Hill, SC Description: Are you an experienced Lotus Note...3. Senior Lotus Notes DeveloperTitle: Senior Lotus Notes Developer Location: CALIFORNIA-MONTEREY PARK Invest in your career. Invest in your future. At Union Bank, our people are our greatest asset. We are one of the largest banks...4. Software Engineer / Lotus Notes DeveloperPosition Title Software Engineer / Lotus Notes Developer Location VA - VIENNA-CLASSIFIED (VAC098) Clearance Required Yes - Required to Start Clearance Type TS/SCI Daily Responsibilities The Messaging...5. Systems Engineer / Lotus Notes Domino EngineerPosition Title Systems Engineer / Lotus Notes Domino Engineer Location VA - VIENNA-CLASSIFIED (VAC098) Clearance Required Yes - Required to Start Clearance Type TS/SCI Daily Responsibilities The Messa...6. Business Programmer/Analyst - Lotus Notes EmphasisBusiness Programmer/Analyst - Lotus Notes Emphasis Job Title: Business Programmer/Analyst - Lotus Notes Emphasis Job Type: Full-Time Location: Pullman, WA Job Description: The Opportunity:S...7. Lotus Notes Developer (MPD-CF)Lotus Notes Developer (MPD-CF) Full Time Regular posted 9/29/2010 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 184769 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently possess security ...8. Lotus Notes Developer (MPD-CF)Lotus Notes Developer (MPD-CF) Full Time Regular posted 9/29/2010 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 184768 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently possess security ...9. Lotus Notes Developer (MPD_CF)Lotus Notes Developer (MPD_CF) Full Time Regular posted 10/4/2010 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 185108 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently possess security ...10. Lotus Notes DeveloperLotus Notes Developer Full Time Regular posted 1/10/2011 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 191455 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently possess security clearance...Закладки о Lotus Notes1. IT Help Central - POKKISSF22. IT Help Central - POKKISSF23. nsftools - Lotus Notes and Domino Tips4. Planificación de Proyectos con Lotus Notes5. voilà - Lotus Notes Content Management6. nsftools - Lotus Notes Performance Tips7. IBM Lotus Notes 8 Recent Contacts and Type-ahead features: FAQs8. e-office Domino blog9. The New Domino Admin » Blog Archive » Lotus Notes R8.5.1 : How to Speed Up Your Client with the Click of a Button (a.k.a. Hacking your jvm.properties files)10. How to make the Lotus Notes 8.x Standard client run faster. - lotus notes, notes eclipse[object Object]11. Tips for moving from Microsoft Outlook to IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.212. ND7: Writing status bar history to log.nsf or a log file | Client | madicon13. ND8: Ordneraktualisierung beim Design-Replace der Maildatei | Administration, Client, ND8.0 | madiconOrdneraktualisierung unter 814. Connections 3.0 Files Plugin for Notes15. Learning Widget for Lotus Notes16. Cory Ma's Blog17. Understanding quotas for IBM Lotus Domino mail databasesSoft deletes and reducing the mail database size When soft deletes are enabled on a mail database (which is the default for mail files based on the release 7 mail template), deleting messages does not immediately reduce the size of the mail database. Messages remain in the mail database for the period that soft deletes are set (by default, messages are set to expire after 48 hours). To delete a message immediately, you must open the Trash folder for the mail database and either select a message and click the Delete Selected Item button or click the Empty Trash button to remove all messages.18. XPages Cheat Sheet: Here it is! | Notes In 919. IBM Search20. assonos blog :: Versionsverwaltung mit Source Control Enablement und MercurialИсточники знаний. Сайты с книгами
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